Pig farming is fast becoming a popular business in Nigeria and Lagos state in particular. Although growth and development of pig farming has faced its challenges due to religious and tribal beliefs however due to metropolitan nature of Lagos, which is spreading fast to ot he r state many opportunities abound for pig farming.
Pigs are hardy creatures and are able to withstand rough environments. They also have fast gestation period and can have over six off springs per litter. This fact makes them a good source of protein for consumers and income for farmers. One sow can have up to three separate gestation periods a year with 8 off springs per gestation period and a total of 24 piglets per year. One boar can serve 10-15sows.
Rice is one of the foods with the most economic importance in the world today. The FAO has reported that better management of rice processing and resulting by-products into more sustainable applicat ions would be beneficial for a variety ofreasons. Rice processing involves several milling stages to produce
EDIBLE RICE as final product. As crude rice goes through the milling process, by-products are generated such as rice brown that have been shown to exhibit beneficial impact on human and animal nutrition, husk and broken rice of various sizes. The lmota Rice Mill will without doubt generate a lot of byproducts that can be used for several other useful product s, thereby leading to setting up of many complementary businesses, in the rice processing value chain, such as: