To properly manage the State's Information Technology Initiatives
To utilize modern technology for the effective management of Government business particu larly in the areas of operational activities, revenue generation and electronic information dissemination.
To utilize Science and Technology to improve the lot of citizens of the State.
Initiate, formulate, execute, monitor an d evaluate policies relating to Science & Information Communication Technology (ICT).
Automation and re-engineering of government business processes & harmonization of all existing ICT assets into a world class infrastructure.
Provision and maintenance of ICT services across Ministries, Department s & Agencies (MDAs).
Development of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM ) education as well as setting up ICT Centre for state schools.
STEM & ICT capacity building across all MDAs. Enlarging the pool of scientific manpower, attracting young people to careers in science and retaining same.
Establishing globally competitive research facilities for the promotion of innovation, research & development in Science& ICT Provision of advisory & consultancy services for all MDAs on Science & ICT
Establishment of the Lagos State Command & Control Centre which provides toll free dedicated lines of communicatin (767 or 112) for Lagosians to contact relevant security and emergency agencies of the state to enhance quick responses in times of emergency - Commenced operations in 2010 but was officially comissioned in 2012.
Implementation of geographic information System (GIS) - Organizations world over use GIS technology to manage location- relevant information. the intuitive power of maps combined with the analytical power of a GIS often reveal trends, patterns and opportunities that may not be detetcted in tabular data alone and can help provide a competitive edge.
Electronic Document Management System (EDMS) - captures paper-based documents and converts them to digital format for easy & secure storage and retrieval. EDMS will also interface withthe enterprise applications to ensure continued integrity and security of Government records
Establishment of Ikeja Digital Village- Ikeja Digital village is designed to assist the computer literacy of the citizens of our state. It was conceptualized as a platform for all to gain IT experience and as a test centre. It is also utilized for our Youth Empowerment programmes
Registration of Citizens of Lagos State for planning & resources allocation under the Lagos State residents Registration agency (LASRRA) - Pilot commenced in 201
SMART CITY- A comprehensive programme that seeks to provide a 24-hour driven economy which would allow companies to operate in a safe and secure environment thereby creating a safer and more conductive environment for business more jobs and increasing GDP of the state.
Lagos State Citizens Gate - is an intutive service based technology innovation for managing relationship between citizens and government. It is an integrated web and mobile-based platform through which Lagos state citizen can lodge feedback with the state government on various services provided receive faster responses on services and interact with the government via web and mobile phone
Investment Requirement
Technology Requirements
After mentioning all the achievement of the ministry of science and technology. The investment requirement will be to create a "PAYMENT SOLUTION" embedding all the systems above and the systems yet to be created
We can collate all the database of all the MDAs and create a data warehouse, to allow people have access to any information they might need at any time.
250 million SEED funds- for Tech start-ups in Lagos. For tech innovators and creators in the state to access funds to boost their business.
Science Requirements
Pharmaceutical Company can partner with the science researches in Ministry of Science and Technology.
Biological researches
Technology researches